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 Visiting Position in Personality/Clinical
Posted by: Suzanne Benack
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Union College
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: November 9th, 2006

PERSONALITY/CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Position: The Union College Department of Psychology is inviting applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor position in personality/clinical psychology, beginning September 2007. The position is for two years, with the possibility of a third year. An on-going research program that can involve undergraduates and a commitment to undergraduate teaching are necessary. The successful candidate will teach personality and other courses which might include introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, and seminars in the area of expertise, as well as supervising honors research. We are especially interested in candidates who can add diversity to our course offerings by teaching a course not presently offered, such as psychology of gender, racial/ethnic/identity studies, forensic psychology or aging. Teaching load is 2 courses per trimester. Ph.D. by appointment date preferred.

Union is a small, private college founded in 1795 with a long history of excellence in the liberal arts, sciences, and engineering. Located in scenic upstate New York, Union is just south of the Adirondack Mountains, and is within 3-4 hours of New York City, Boston, and Montreal. The Psychology Department has 10 full-time and two part-time members and graduates 50-60 majors per year. The College and Department are concerned with excellence in teaching and ability to involve students in an ongoing program of research. The Psychology Department also supports a neuroscience major and ongoing research in neuroimaging at Albany Medical College’s Neurosciences Research Center.

Interested candidates should send hard copies of an application letter, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and research interests, three letters of recommendation, and evidence of scholarship and teaching skill, including teaching evaluations, if available, to Suzanne Benack, Department of Psychology, Union College, Schenectady, NY 12308. Questions may be e-mailed to Suzanne Benack at Or visit our website at:

Applications will be reviewed starting January 15th, until the position is filled.

Union College is an equal opportunity employer and strongly committed to student and workforce diversity.

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