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 Asst. Prof. Quant. Analysis/Research Area Open
Posted by: Brett Laursen
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Florida Atlantic University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 25th, 2006

Quantitative Analysis/Research Area Open. The Department of Psychology at Florida Atlantic University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level to begin August, 2007.

The position will be housed at the Davie Campus, where we are building a faculty concentration in Quantitative Psychology. The successful candidate will be expected to teach lecture and laboratory courses at the graduate and undergraduate level in quantitative methods and in the candidate's area of research. Requirements include a Ph.D. in psychology or a related field and the potential to secure extramural funding and supervise graduate students. The Davie Campus houses approximately 1/4 of the faculty in the Department of Psychology; interaction and collaboration with faculty on the Boca Raton campus are encouraged. Excellent observational laboratory space is available, if needed.

A complete vitae, a statement of research interests, representative reprints, and three letters of recommendation should be send to Quantitative Analysis Search Chair, Department of Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, 2912 College Avenue, Davie FL 33314. The review of applications will start 15 October 2006. FAU is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution.

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