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 Summer 2006 CGU Stauffer Symposium
Posted by: Robert Blagg
Title/Position: Ph.D. Student
School/Organization: Claremont Graduate University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 5th, 2006

Greetings from Claremont Graduate University!

We are proud to announce the 2006 CGU Stauffer Symposium: "What Constitutes Credible Evidence in Evaluation and Applied Research?" This event will take place on Saturday, August 19th, during our very popular 4th annual Professional Development Workshop Series August 18-24.

Organizations of all types and sizes are being asked to evaluate their practices, programs, and policies at an increasing rate. While there seems to be much support for the notion of using evidence to continually improve efficiency and effectiveness, there appears to be growing disagreement and confusion about what constitutes sound evidence. These disagreements have far-reaching implications for evaluation, applied research practice, for funding competitions, as well as for how best to conduct and use evaluation and applied research to promote human betterment.

In light of this debate, we have assembled an illustrious group of experts working in various areas of evaluation and applied research to share their diverse perspectives on the question of "What Constitutes Credible Evidence?" Please join us for what promises to be an illuminating and action packed day in sunny Claremont, CA, on August 19th.

CGU Stauffer Symposium Contributors (Saturday, August 19, 2006):
Michael Scriven (University of Western Michigan)
Jennifer Greene (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Gary T. Henry (Georgia State University)
Leonard Bickman (Vanderbilt University)
Thomas Schwandt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Sandra Mathison (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
Sharon F. Rallis (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Hallie Preskill (Claremont Graduate University)
Russell Gersten (University of Oregon)
Melvin Mark (Pennsylvania State University)
Stewart Donaldson (Claremont Graduate University)
Christina A. Christie (Claremont Graduate University)

$30 early registration fee before July 7th (Symposium free with enrollment in 2 Professional Development Workshops)

$60 early registration fee before July 7th (Symposium free with enrollment in 2 Professional Development Workshops)

Please see for more information and to register for the symposium. To find out more about the Professional Development Workshop Series, visit:

The symposium and the workshops are likely to fill up fast, and the reduced rates are available only until July 7th, 2006. Register online today!

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Robert Blagg
Claremont Graduate University

Contact us at (909) 621-8084 or

*Please feel free to forward this information to anyone who might be interested. Thank you!

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