Listserv Message Center

Call for Papers |
Posted by: | Bob Fennis |
Title/Position: | Associate Professor/PhD |
School/Organization: | University of Twente, the Netherlands |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | June 7th, 2006 |
Small Group Meeting in Consumer Psychology: Unconscious and Controlled processes
Enschede, the Netherlands
Nov 13 – Nov 14, 2006
The small group meeting in Consumer Psychology: Unconscious and Controlled Processes will be held from 13 to 14 November at Twente University, Enschede, the Netherlands. Recent advances in consumer psychology and related disciplines such as social psychology, communication science, health promotion and marketing have shown a surge in interest in unconscious and automatic processes. Work on priming, emotion, inference making, social influence and intuitive processes and their role in shaping consumer behaviour stand testimony to these developments. On the other hand, controlled processes still bear tremendous relevance for the field, as underscored by research on self-regulation (and regulatory failure!), attentional control, and effortful information processing. The objective of the small group meeting is to strike the balance between these strands of research by bringing together scholars from various backgrounds in order to discuss key issues, possibilities and pitfalls and thus inspire and fuel the young discipline of consumer psychology. Participants are encouraged to submit talks and posters presenting their own research. The meeting will share recent theoretical and methodological developments in studying automatic and controlled consumer processes. The format will include presentations, posters and, especially, workshops in which active discussion is encouraged. One ambition of the meeting is to discuss potentially fruitful lines of future research and to facilitate active collaboration between European and North American scholars. The number of participants will be limited to about 50. In July, a website will be released including details of registration and payment, a list of participants, final program details, accommodation suggestions, and plans and sightseeing suggestions. The website will be accessible through the following URL: http://www.gw.utwente.nl/cp2006
Speakers and workshop supervisors include:
Frank Kardes, University of Cincinnatti
Kathleen Vohs, University of Minnesota
Stijn van Osselaer, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Ap Dijksterhuis, University of Amsterdam
Speakers and poster presenters are invited to submit abstracts of their research related to automatic and controlled consumer processes. Please indicate your preference for either a talk or a poster. Talks will be limited to 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes discussion. Each submission, whether a talk or a poster requires the following information:
1. Title.
2. Name, affiliation of all the authors. Please indicate the presenting
author and include contact information (phone, fax and email).
3. An abstract of approximately 300 words, and up to 5 keywords.
Submissions should be sent to b.m.fennis@utwente.nl in MSWord or pdf formats. The submission deadline is August 15th, 2006. All poster and paper proposals will be evaluated within 3 weeks after the deadline and authors will be informed about the outcomes. The assessment will be based on criteria such as the fit of the research with the theme of the meeting, originality of ideas, soundness of methodology, and relevance of the results
If you need any additional information about the workshop, submissions or any other relevant issues please write to b.m.fennis@utwente.nl
Registration will be open on August 15th 2006. The workshop fee is € 150,-. This covers registration, lunches on both days, dinner on the evening of November 13th and a social program on November 13th. The registration deadline is October 16th 2006.
Hope to see you in Enschede,
Bob Fennis, PhD
Ad Pruyn, PhD
Marieke Fransen, MA
Organizing Committee