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Posted by: Nico W. Van Yperen
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Groningen
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: April 29th, 2006

Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Tenure-track position for assistant professor Organizational Psychology

Vacancy Number: 206080

The assistant professor is a member of the organizational psychology group which is established at the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology ( The research on organizational psychology is embedded in the research program Interpersonal Behavior (, and, at the national level, in the research school Kurt Lewin ( The organizational psychology group is co-responsible for the one-year Masters Program Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology, and the two-year Research Master Program Interpersonal Behavior ( The organizational psychological research focuses on social-cognitive and individual difference factors underlying human behavior in organizations, incorporating themes such as achievement, stress, and motivation, diversity in organizations, conflict and negotiation, and creativity and decision making.

Job description
The assistant professor gives active support to the further development and fine-tuning of the research within the research program Interpersonal Behavior. The assistant professor teaches (in Dutch or English) two or three courses that are part of the Bachelor Program Psychology, the Master Program Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology, or the Research Master Program Interpersonal Behavior. Furthermore, the assistant professor supervises theses at the bachelor’s and master’s level.

· passionate researcher/teacher
· PhD in organizational or social psychology
· affinity with organizational psychology
· experience with publishing in international journals
· interest in conducting both experimental and applied research
· experience and affinity with teaching
· ability to generate external funding
· profound knowledge of English
· readiness to learn Dutch

Excellent career prospects!
The Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences is offering young, talented researchers, positions at the rank of assistant professor, but candidates who meet the established criteria may be considered for a more advanced appointment.
These staff members are expected to develop their own line of research within a particular field. The faculty’s career policy is characterised by flexible personnel management with a focus on the individual. Academic achievements are seen as being central to the academic career, and ample opportunities for professional development and supplementary training and education are offered. Arrangements for training in the area of teaching will be made with all new employees.

Conditions of employment
The university of Groningen can offer you a salary dependent on qualifications and work experience up to a maximum of € 4705,- gross per month for a full-time job (12 monthly payments), an 8% holiday allowance, and participation in a pension scheme for government employees.

The appointment will be on a temporary basis for a maximum of six years. Prior to completion of six years of employment there will be an assessment of performance based on established criteria. If the outcome of the assessment is positive, the assistant professor will be promoted to the rank of associate professor with tenure. There will be another assessment at the end of a further 6-year during which a full professorial appointment will be discussed.

Additional information
Further information about this position can be obtained from Prof. N.W. Van Yperen, phone: +31 50 363 63 32, email:

Please submit your electronic application to, or a hard copy to Vacaturemeldpunt, P.O. Box 72, 9700 AB Groningen, The Netherlands.

The closing date for application is May 22nd 2006.

Starting date: preferably September 1st, 2006

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