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 IAT demonstration... need help
Posted by: Amber Story
Title/Position: Program Director, Social Psychology
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: April 25th, 2006

Dear Colleages,

I need your help.

The National Science Foundation is hosting a foundation-wide activity day for the Presidential Awardees in Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. These are high school teachers who are interested in learning, hands-on, about science, with activities they can take back to the classroom.

The Social, Behavioral and Economic Directorate is hosting an activity called "Taking the Temperature of America" and features the American National Election Study and the Implicit Association Test.

I am looking for someone who uses the IAT in their teaching and/or research who could engage these excellent teachers in about an hour of IAT activities. This is to be very interactive and not just a presentation.

If you would be willing to volunteer, let me know as soon as possible at I am hoping to compile a list of names for this, and possibly other related activities in the future.

Thank you very much.

Amber Story

Amber L. Story, Ph.D.
Program Director, Social Psychology
National Science Foundation
Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences
Suite 995
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22230

Voice: (703) 292-7249
Fax: (703) 292-9068

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