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 Announcing the Division 8 Program for APA 2006
Posted by: Toni Schmader
Title/Position: APA Division 8 Program Chair
School/Organization: University of Arizona
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: April 11th, 2006

Division 8 Programming at the APA Convention
New Orleans, August 10-13, 2006

This year’s Division 8 program at the APA convention includes an impressive series of invited addresses and symposia by leading researchers in the study of personality and social psychology. In addition to the Presidential Address to be given by Brenda Major, the program will also feature talks by Roy Baumeister, George Bonanno, Jennifer Crocker, Sally Dickerson, Jeff Greenberg, Eddie Harmon-Jones, Sonja Lyubormirsky, Erik Klinger, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, and Linda Skitka.

We hope that SPSP members will attend the meeting and help support the science of Division 8. More information about the program, including a list of symposia, can be found on the SPN website at:

To register for the convention, visit the convention website at:

Come join us in New Orleans!

Toni Schmader
APA Divsion 8 Program Chair

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