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 Deadlines Extended for APA Advanced Training Inst.
Posted by: Nicolle Singer
Title/Position: Science Programs Associate
School/Organization: American Psychological Association
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: March 27th, 2006

Dear Listserv Members,

I would like to remind you that spaces are still available in two of this summer’s APA ATIs. Please see the announcement below for more details. These are great opportunities for advanced training, and I encourage you to consider them.

Thank you,

Science Directorate
American Psychological Association


Deadlines Extended for APA Advanced Training Institutes

The APA Science Directorate encourages applications for these intensive hands-on training courses for psychological scientists. Registration deadlines are Monday, April 10. Register now and encourage your graduate students! Please forward this announcement widely.

An ATI on “Performing Web-Based Research” will be offered at the University of Northern Iowa from July 10-14, 2006. Topics will include ethics of online research, web-based data collection, making the most of shared databases, and the use of html for survey and experimental designs through Authorware. No prior knowledge of web-based research is necessary for this ATI. At the end of the program all participants will have completed or be well into the development of an online research project.

The ATI on “Non-Linear Methods” will be offered at the University of Cincinnati from July 17-21, 2006. Based in part on course materials developed with NSF support, this program will focus on analyses that have already impacted psychological science in prominently published work. This ATI is especially exciting because no other training program for psychologists currently provides applied non-linear training. Instruction is specifically tailored to interested psychologists and psych graduate students, and the only prerequisites are the standard statistics courses taught in almost all psych graduate programs. Take this opportunity to learn from experts!

Visit or contact or (202) 336-6000 to learn more. Registration deadline: midnight April 10, 2006.

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