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 Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference
Posted by: Carolina
Title/Position: Graduate Student
School/Organization: Stanford University, Department of Psychology
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 19th, 2006

Hi, I know this listserv is not for student postings, but we are trying to recruit interested parties to present and/or spectate at our conference, and believe that if psychology professionals are aware of the event, they can pass the information along to interested students of theirs. I have already posted a message to the Student Forum as well, but could you please consider posting this to your listserv? Thank you.

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce the sixth annual Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference (SUPC), taking place this year on Saturday, May 13. Sponsored by the Stanford University chapter of Psi Chi and the Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Association, the Conference is a showcase of undergraduate research from top students selected from a nationwide pool of applicants, providing an opportunity for students to exchange ideas and learn more about what research is being done at other universities.

We are looking for students who have compiled interesting, quality, groundbreaking research. These students should be excited about presenting their research to fellow psychologists and hearing others present their research in turn. In addition to giving and hearing presentations, each participant will meet in a small group for lunch with a Stanford professor or graduate student who will discuss his or her own research. Please note that although spectators are welcome and encouraged to attend, only students presenting at the Conference are guaranteed the opportunity to attend the small group lunch.

In the past few years, SUPC has grown markedly, welcoming over one hundred poster and oral presentations from undergraduates representing 14 states. This year, we look to expand our success through an even larger event, drawing from innovative student research at even more universities than in previous years.

Our keynote speaker this year will be Dr. Carol Dweck, who has made innumerable contributions to the field of social and developmental psychology through her work examining the origins of self-conceptions, their role in motivation and self-regulation, and their impact on achievement and interpersonal processes. We look forward to the unique perspective and insight that Dr. Dweck may bring to aspiring undergraduates interested in the field of psychology.

We would greatly appreciate your help in informing prospective students of this opportunity. Our deadline for abstract submission is March 27. Please feel free to forward this message to any interested parties. More detailed information, including instructions on how students may apply to present at the Conference, is available at our website, For any questions, please do not reply to this posting, but send an e-mail to


Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference

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