Listserv Message Center

Job opening: Full Professor at Oxford University |
Posted by: | Don Operario |
Title/Position: | Dr. |
School/Organization: | University of Oxford |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | March 17th, 2006 |
Department of Social Policy and Social Work
Professorship of Evidence-Based Intervention
Applications are invited for the above post, tenable from 1 September 2006, or such later date as may be arranged.
The University is seeking an outstanding scholar with a distinguished research record in a field related to social or psychosocial intervention. Disciplinary background may include psychology, prevention science, social work, mental health, criminology, or health care.
The professor will be expected to engage in research and to teach in the field of psychosocial intervention. He or she will be able to demonstrate evidence of teaching excellence at the graduate level and to have experience of working collaboratively in interdisciplinary contexts.
The successful appointee will be associated with the Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention, an expanding research centre which specialises in investigating effectiveness of interventions for social and psychosocial problems, through conducting randomised trials and systematic reviews. The Centre also carries out basic research into causes of social problems. Current funded research has an international focus, including projects on HIV prevention, family and parenting interventions, child psychopathology, antisocial behaviour, social welfare, self-help interventions and sleep disorders. For further details, see www.apsoc.ox.ac.uk/CEBI.html. The professorship will be held in the Department of Social Policy and Social Work. A non-stipendiary fellowship at either St. Hilda's College or Kellogg College is attached to the professorship.
Further particulars, including details of how to apply, are available from http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/fp/ or from the Registrar, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD (telephone 0-1865 270200). The closing date for applications is Monday 15 May 2006. Further information may be obtained on a strictly confidential basis, from George Smith, Head of Department of Social Policy and Social Work (tel: +44 (0)1865 270354 or email: george.smith@socres.ox.ac.uk), or from Frances Gardner, Director of Graduate Studies in Evidence-Based Social Work (tel: +44 (0)1865 270334, or email: frances.gardner@socres.ox.ac.uk).