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 Face Manipulation Software
Posted by: Keith Maddox
Title/Position: Associate Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Tufts University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: February 8th, 2006


I am considering the purchase of software that can be used for the creation and/or manipulation of human faces and their features. I'd like to hear about products that you may have used for these tasks and your evaluations of them -- benefits and limitations.

I have two fuzzy categories of software in mind:

Photograph Editing (e.g., Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Systems Inc.)

Composite Image Generation (e.g., Faces - IQ Biometrix; FantaMorph - Abrosoft)

In addition, I'd like to hear of any software or methods you've used to effectively catalog and store large libraries of image files. The ability to search the database along specific feature dimensions would be ideal.

Please reply to and thanks in advance for your time and suggestions. I will gladly summarize responses to the list.

Keith Maddox

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