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 Doctoral Student Job Offer
Posted by: Guido Gendolla
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Geneva
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: January 10th, 2006

Swiss Centre for Research in the Affective Sciences

We invite applications for a Doctoral Student (Ph.D. Candidate) position at the Swiss Centre for Research in the Affective Sciences at the University of Geneva on the topic of “Appraisal and Motivational Processes in the Elicitation of Emotion.”

Description: We are conducting research on the role of motivational factors in emotion-antecedent appraisal using a variety of ANS response measures (e.g., cardiovascular, skin conductance, facial EMG). We are looking for a person having recently finished their course of study in psychology involving psychophysiological research who might be interested in running such studies as part of a three year doctoral fellowship (cand. doc.) with a stipend of approx. CHF 36'000 per year (plus travel expenses) in the Leading House of the Center at the University of Geneva, allowing participation in the Center's Graduate School. This position is part of Project 1 of the Swiss Centre for Research in the Affective Sciences, which is directed by Profs. Klaus Scherer and Guido Gendolla.

Requirements: Candidates must:
- hold an advanced University degree (e.g., MA, MS, Diplom, Lizentiat), preferably in psychology
- have a strong interest in empirical research
- have knowledge in psychophysiological experimentation
- have good knowledge of statistical data analysis packages (e.g., SPSS)
- possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills
- have good knowledge of English and French (written and spoken)

Salary: CHF 33,600 (doctoral candidate, Swiss National Science Foundation, SNF) + approximately CHF 3,000 from the section of psychology of the University of Geneva.

Starts: Review of applications will being in January 2006 and continue until the position is filled

Duration: 3 years

Application: Candidates must send their applications (letter of interest, CV, and if possible 2 letters of recommendation) by regular mail or email to:

Prof. Guido H.E. Gendolla, University of Geneva, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education, Section de Psychologie, 40 Boulevard du Pont d’Arve, CH-1205 Geneva, Switzerland

Contact: For more information please contact Prof. Guido Gendolla ( or Prof. Klaus Scherer (

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