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 2023 Meeting of SSM: Call for Submissions
Posted by: Molly Ellenberg
Title/Position: 2023 Meeting Co-Chair
School/Organization: Society for the Science of Motivation
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 8th, 2022

*2023 Meeting of the Society for the Science of Motivation: Call for Submissions*

The Society for the Science of Motivation (SSM) is inviting proposals for symposia, individual talks, and posters to be presented at the 15th Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held in-person on Thursday May 25th, 2023, in advance of the Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) in Washington, DC. Both the SSM and APS meetings will be held in the Washington Hilton (1919 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC).

This year’s theme is “Motivation for a Better World.” We invite submissions from research dealing with, but not exclusive to, the role of motivation in addressing environmental sustainability, economic well-being, promoting healthy lifestyles, reducing inequality, and curbing the spread of misinformation. Research on other motivation topics are welcomed, too.

The Society for the Science of Motivation is an international, interdisciplinary society for researchers interested in motivation (broadly defined). Its mission is to encourage inquiry into all aspects of motivation from a variety of disciplines and perspectives, and to facilitate the dissemination of findings to a broad scientific audience. The annual meeting provides a forum for the exchange of scientific information, fosters discussion of new ideas and findings on motivation, and encourages collaboration in research.

Submissions may be in the form of symposia, individual talks, or poster presentations. Please use this link to submit your work:

• Submission deadline for symposia, individual talks, and flash talks: December 31, 2022
• Submission deadline for posters: January 15th, 2023

Please spread the word. We look forward to seeing you in Washington DC!

Kaitlin Woolley (Cornell University), Co-chair
Jessica Gamlin (University of Oregon), Co-chair
Molly Ellenberg (University of Maryland), Co-chair

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