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Request for Studies on Seeking Behaviors at Work |
Posted by: | Natalie Croitoru |
Title/Position: | PhD Candidate, Organizational Behavior |
School/Organization: | Kenan-Flagler Business School at UNC Chapel Hill |
Sent to listserv of: | SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | April 27th, 2022 |
*** apologies for cross posting ***
We are looking for any published and unpublished studies you might have for a meta-analysis on seeking behaviors at work. We are defining seeking behavior broadly to include feedback-seeking, information-seeking, advice-seeking, help-seeking, voice-solicitation, knowledge seeking, etc. Any study that includes a measure of the above behaviors (or similar behaviors) is relevant. We are focusing on studies conducted in organizational settings that captured participants’ seeking behaviors at their places of work (e.g., we are excluding lab or other artificial non-work setting).
We have conducted a thorough review of the literature. But please feel free to point us towards any published work that meets the criteria above. If you are unsure, we encourage you to err on the side of caution and send it to us. We love to learn about all the amazing work out there!
In addition, we are looking for unpublished manuscripts, dissertations, thesis, or even raw data. Anything that a regular journal search will not pick up on.
If you are willing, we would appreciate if you could share a working version of your paper OR send the following information to Natalie_Croitoru@kenan-flagler.unc.edu:
1. A full correlation matrix of all variables measured in the study
2. Description of each measure for each variable included in the correlation matrix (e.g., reliabilities, rating sources, scale anchors; if possible, please provide the measure source or items)
3. The sample size (N) and a description of the participants (e.g. gender, age, occupation) and research context (e.g., location, nationality, industry)
4. Any other information you believe may be useful for us to include the data set in our analysis.
5. If there is preferred way for us to cite you work, please let us know as well.
We greatly appreciate your consideration of this request. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
We kindly request responses by May 20th.
Natalie Croitoru, Terence McElroy, and Elad Sherf
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kenan-Flagler Business School