Listserv Message Center

Life Improvement Science Conference: June 2021 |
Posted by: | Falk Lieder |
Title/Position: | Research Group Leader |
School/Organization: | Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSSI |
Date posted: | February 16th, 2021 |
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to announce a new conference that brings together researchers and practitioners interested in helping people do more good in better ways, developing themselves, and living a meaningful life. We call this emerging transdisciplinary research area Life Improvement Science or LIS for short. The inaugural LIS conference will be held online in June 2021. Our goal is to bring together a multi-disciplinary community of researchers and practitioners interested in understanding and promoting well-doing.
Life Improvement Science Call for Abstracts
We are delighted to announce the Call for Submissions. We invite abstracts for talks, posters, tutorials, symposia, panel discussions, and other topics relevant to life improvement science. We especially encourage contributions that further the dialogue about the most important open questions of life improvement science and how they can be addressed. Your talk, symposium, or panel discussion could highlight one or more important questions that life improvement science should address or present findings, methods, or ideas relevant for addressing open questions about well-doing, optimal personal development, and reducing ill-doing, such as these. We also welcome abstracts for posters.
The final abstract submission deadline is April 16, 2021. Is there anything you might want to submit? If you are not sure which of your work might be a good fit for this new conference, then just ask us by February 28, and we will help you to determine fit before submission and/or help you develop your submission.
If you would like to learn more about LIS and the upcoming LIS conference, you can check our website (www.life-improvement.science). If you would like to stay up to date on Life Improvement Science and the LIS conference, send an email to LIS-on@tuebingen.mpg.de or follow us on Twitter, and we will keep you posted.
Please help us spread the word about LIS and the LIS conference by forwarding this email to other people who might be interested.
Best wishes,
Falk Lieder, Mike Prentice, and the LIS conference organizers
Falk Lieder, Ph.D.
Max Planck Research Group Leader for Rationality Enhancement
MPI for Intelligent Systems Tübingen, Germany