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 IARR London 2020: Call for Papers
Posted by: Madoka Kumashiro
Title/Position: Senior Lecturer
School/Organization: Goldsmiths, University of London
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 27th, 2019

Submit your abstract now!

On behalf of IARR (International Association for Relationships Research), the Local Arrangements Committee (Stanley Gaines, Madoka Kumashiro, and Angela Rowe, Co-Chairs) invite you to attend the International Association for Relationship Research 2020 Conference, which will be held at Imperial College London (South Kensington Campus, Exhibition Road), London, UK from 30 July through 3 August 2020.

Details regarding the conference are available via the web site.
Keynote speakers will include Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Gurit Birnbaum, and the duo of Susan Sprecher and Arthur Aron.

The Programme Committee (Francesca Righetti, Chair; Justin Lavner, Andrea Meltzer, and Monique Pollmann, Members) will accept abstracts via the web site from 15 October 2019 through 1 December 2019.

We will have a dance party on Thursday, 30 July; various symposia, individual papers (including data blitz talks), and posters throughout the conference; an Awards Dinner on Sunday, 2 August; and a free day for individuals or groups to explore London and surrounding areas on their own (with suggestions from London and Partners, the London convention bureau). The buzz is building – see you there!

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