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 Meta-Analysis Call for Studies: Dilemmas, CRT, NFC
Posted by: Paul Conway
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Florida State University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 10th, 2019

Dear colleagues,

We are conducting a meta-analysis of trait reflectiveness and moral dilemma responding, focusing on the process dissociation approach to moral dilemmas (Conway & Gawronski, 2013, JPSP) and focusing on Need for Cognition and the Cognitive Reflection Task (Frederick, 2005) as our measures of reflectiveness. We have completed a thorough search of published literature and are seeking unpublished data to include in the analysis.

To be eligible for inclusion, studies must contain (A) some variant of either the CRT or an NFC scale, and (B) responses to a process dissociation battery of sacrificial moral dilemmas.

If you have conducted a study that meets these inclusion criteria and is not yet published, we would be extremely grateful if you contacted us at by September 30, 2019.


Caleb Reynolds, Nick Byrd, and Paul Conway
Florida State University

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