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Sign-First Meta-Analysis: Call for Papers |
Posted by: | Lisa Shu |
Title/Position: | Assistant Professor |
School/Organization: | London Business School |
Sent to listserv of: | SESP |
Date posted: | September 22nd, 2018 |
Dear Colleagues,
We are conducting a meta-analysis comparing signing before reporting an outcome vs. signing after (or not signing at all) and the effect on honesty. We are looking for published or unpublished empirical studies that satisfy the following criteria:
1. Signing Manipulation: The main manipulation must be a signing intervention where one of the conditions signed before reporting an outcome and there must be a control condition of either no signing OR signing after reporting. If you have a signing study and you are not sure if it is eligible, please send it along.
2. Honesty: While our primary outcome of interest is honesty, if your study satisfies the signing manipulation criteria but the outcome is in a different domain (e.g. commitment), please send it across as well.
3. Language: The studies must be in English, or have an English translation so we can understand the study design and extract effect sizes.
If you have a published or unpublished manuscript, dissertation chapter or a poster that satisfies these criteria, please send it to Ariella Kristal (akristal@hbs.edu). We will review your contribution, and may ask for further information needed to extract effect sizes. The process should involve little additional effort on your end.
Many thanks in advance,
Lisa Shu
Lisa L. Shu | Assistant Professor | Organisational Behaviour
London Business School | +44 (0)20 7000 8936 | lshu@london.edu