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 Psi Chi’s Network for International Collaborative
Posted by: Tatyana El-Kour
Title/Position: PhD Student
School/Organization: Fielding Graduate University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 1st, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

Psi Chi’s Network for International Collaborative Exchange (NICE) is launching its FIRST CROWD project!

The NICE is concerned with facilitating cross-cultural research amongst Psi Chi members and other researchers both within the United States and internationally. NICE: CROWD is a crowdsourcing opportunity for NICE collaborators. CROWD selected research for implementation from submitted proposals, and we now invite you to help us generate data from as many locations as possible.

Our first CROWD project is "Understanding Family Dynamics in a Cross-Cultural Sample." The proposal was submitted by Mary Moussa Rogers and Cliff McKinney, Mississippi State University, and is focused on examining how the Circumplex Model of family functioning models across different cultural samples (e.g., regions of the U.S., European countries, and Hong Kong). Contributors are asked to recruit 100 emerging adults and administer a self-report battery estimated to take 60 minutes. The battery includes measures assessing adaptability and cohesion dimensions of family dynamics, parent-child relationship characteristics, paternal discipline, reverence and honor of duty to family, risky behaviors, and emotional and interpersonal adjustment.

There are numerous benefits of participating in a CROWD project, such as authorship on future potential manuscripts, access to the study protocol, access to a large and diverse sample of participants, networking with researchers from around the globe, access to new materials, and of course, NICE support! For faculty this also provides a unique opportunity to discuss the scientific method, collaboration, diversity, and recruit data with students.

If you’re interested collecting data for this project, please sign up using this link ( Please contact NICE Chair, with questions.



Attachment: CROWD announcment list serv .doc

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