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Call for Papers for EJOP Special Issue |
Posted by: | Vlad Glaveanu |
Title/Position: | Head of Psychology and Counselling |
School/Organization: | Webster University Geneva |
Sent to listserv of: | SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | July 10th, 2018 |
Call for Papers: 2020 (February) EJOP Special Issue
Identifying the Determinants of (Non-)Replicability: The Theory of Planned Behavior
Guest Editors: Michael Bosnjak, Icek Ajzen, Peter Schmidt
The overall aim of this special issue is to empirically identify, discuss, and critically evaluate the factors rendering psychological theories replicable. Because of the large number of replications available the focus will be on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB; Ajzen, 1985, 1991, 2012). The topics covered may address:
• (Pre-registered) replications of past primary studies applying the TPB to any substantive domain identifying the conditions that promote or inhibit replicability of findings. Correlational tests of the TPB might focus on the replicability of the structural model in terms of model fit and the path coefficients´ magnitudes. In experimental studies (i.e., interventions), replications of the effect of the intervention on intention and/or behavior may deserve specific attention. Submitted studies might also want to focus on the replicability of auxiliary hypotheses, that is, additional predictors of intention and/or behavior, and the effect of background factors such as personality traits, personal values, gender, age and contextual factors like traffic infrastructure.
• (Pre-registered) systematic reviews and meta-analytic syntheses of TPB studies identifying the determinants of the (non-) replicability of the TPB. Studies identifying the factors potentially contributing to the heterogeneity of effects such as, for instance, open science practices, procedures, populations, and/or changed circumstances, are of specific interest.
• Methodological contributions encompassing, for instance, the degree of literal/exact versus conceptual replication on the TPB's model fit and parameter values, bayesian approaches to testing the TPB, modeling the belief part of the theory, test of moderation and mediation effects, time (in)variability and dynamic modeling for the specification and test of the TPB.
• Comparisons of the TPB with other theories in terms of replicability, parsimony, and predictive power both for explanatory purposes and for interventions.
• Contributions on the role of formalizing and implementing the TPB to foster its replicability.
Manuscript preparation and submission process. Details about the author guidelines and submission process can be found here:
Please specify in the cover letter the fact that the paper is a candidate for the special issue "Identifying the Determinants of (Non-)Replicability: The Theory of Planned Behavior."
Deadline for submissions: January 31, 2019 .
About EJOP
The European Journal of Psychology (EJOP) is a quarterly electronic publication of scientific psychology featuring empirical research and theoretical contributions across all fields of psychology. See:
About PsychOpen GOLD
PsychOpen GOLD is operated by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) and publishes primary research in the field of psychology. PsychOpen GOLD is part of ZPID's open access publishing platform PsychOpen, which provides several different options for publishing scientific works.
Call for paper is also attached.
Best wishes,
Vlad Glaveanu
EJOP Editor
P.S. An associated conference will take place at ZPID – Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information in Trier, Germany, on October 17-19, 2018. For further details, see:
Attachment: Call for Papers EJOP Special Issue.pdf