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 Graduate Study--Underrepresented Students
Posted by: John Levine
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Pittsburgh
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 14th, 2018

The Department of Psychology in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh invites students to apply for an exciting opportunity to learn about graduate study in psychology at Pitt. The goal of the VIPitt Program is to provide support and information to students underrepresented in psychology who are applying to a Pitt graduate psychology program.

VIPitt 2018 will be held October 18–19, and includes seminars, panel discussions, and workshops on the components of a competitive graduate application as well as formal and informal meetings with current graduate students and faculty in the applicants’ areas of interest. Attendees also will be introduced to the Pitt psychology department, specific graduate programs, and graduate training in psychology broadly. Meetings with University administrators will focus on funding and resources available to underrepresented students. Travel, housing, and meals are provided for all attendees.


Undergraduates (juniors and seniors) and college graduates interested in pursuing doctoral training in clinical, developmental, health, biological, social, or
cognitive psychology are invited to apply. A GPA of 3.0 or higher and prior research experience are recommended but not required. Students
underrepresented in psychology who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

The application requires one letter of recommendation; an unofficial transcript; GRE scores, if available; and TOEFL scores, if applicable. Applicants should
include a two-page personal statement describing their professional goals, their past research experience, and how their research interests align with those of
faculty members in our program. Students also must identify one or more Pitt psychology faculty members as prospective mentors. Students interested in being considered for VIPitt 2018 should apply at by July 1.

Additional Information

For more information about VIPitt Weekend as well as the Department of Psychology’s graduate programs, please contact: Kathryn Roecklein, PhD, at, Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal, PhD, at, or Philippa Carter, director of diversity initiatives and academic affairs, at or 412-624-6096.

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