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 Social Psychology FT Faculty Position Fall 2018
Posted by: Anne-Pierre Goursaud
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: American University in Cairo
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 12th, 2018

Department of Psychology at the American University in Cairo welcomes applications for a full-time nontenure-track position in the field of Social Psychology, to begin in Fall 2018 or Spring 2019.

The candidate is expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses including general psychology, social psychology, and statistics/methodology. The candidate should also conduct research, pursue grant funding, and play an active role in the department, the school, and university service activities.

We are looking for someone who meets the following criteria:

- social psychologist (if not specialized in social psych, has enough expertise to speak to the classic social psychology topics)

- has interdisciplinary or intradisciplinary research interests

- URGENT AND NECESSARY: can teach undergraduate and graduate statistics and research methods

- experience in teaching intro, social, statistics, and methods is a must... We welcome people who can also teach a broad array of other topics.

The job posting is online at

Interested candidates should email their letters of reference ASAP to

Psychology Department at AUC:

Department Promotional Video:

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