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 PhD Position, Social Decision Making
Posted by: Dr. Daniel A. DeCaro
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Louisville
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 27th, 2017

Dr. Daniel DeCaro, Director of the Social Decision Making & Sustainability Lab at the University of Louisville (United Sates), is seeking applicants for a fully funded PhD position in social decision making. The student will contribute to a National Science Foundation project in the Social and Economic Sciences, focusing on the social-psychological processes involved cooperative decision making in social dilemmas (see Award #1658608 for more details). The project examines how communication, enforcement, and participatory decision making influence cooperation. Funding is available for one student for up to 5 years, including yearly stipend ($22,000), tuition ($17,000), and benefits ($3000).

How to Apply: The position starts July 2018 (Fall 2018). Deadline December 1, 2017. Applicants will enroll in the Experimental Psychology Ph.D. Program in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, and be trained in interdisciplinary behavioral economics by Dr. DeCaro. In your application, include standard materials (e.g., Personal Statement, CV, and References). Also mention that you are applying to work with Dr. Daniel A. DeCaro on his National Science Foundation project. For application information, see:

Information about the Social Decision Making & Sustainability Lab (SDS Lab)

Dr. DeCaro is an Assistant Professor in Urban & Public Affairs and Psychological & Brain Sciences. He completed his postdoc with Nobelist Elinor Ostrom at Indiana University – Bloomington’s Vincent & Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory & Policy Analysis.

The SDS Lab studies the factors that influence cooperation in society. We conduct both laboratory experiments and field case studies in multiple topics areas. For more information, visit:

Dr. Daniel A. DeCaro
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Department of Urban and Public Affairs
2301 S. Third Street
Louisville, KY 40292

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