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 Data Call: Meta-Analysis on Sources of Ostracism
Posted by: Rose Iannuzzelli
Title/Position: PhD Candidate
School/Organization: University of Sydney
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 10th, 2017

Call for data: Systematic review and meta-analysis on sources of ostracism

Deadline: June 9, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

We are conducting a meta-analysis on the effects of being a source of ostracism (that is, those who ignore or exclude others). We are seeking data from studies which have experimentally manipulated or attempted to induce the experience of being a source of ostracism and measured the effects on dependent variables, such as primary needs and affect.

To be included, studies must:

• attempt to experimentally induce the experience of being a source of ostracism (i.e., excluding or ignoring another person),
• be empirical and/or laboratory-based,
• examine the effect of being a source of ostracism on dependent variables, such as primary needs and affect,
• be run on human adult samples (over 16 years of age to account for undergraduate university sampling), and
• be available in English language due to language restrictions.

To be included in the meta-analysis, studies should also report effect sizes or summary statistics to compute effect sizes where possible.

We are seeking published and unpublished data (e.g., from manuscripts, doctoral dissertations, grey literature) which measured (but need not to have reported) the variables in question.

If you have or are aware of data that might be relevant, please contact us by 9th June 2017 on:

Many thanks,

Ms Rose Iannuzzelli, Professor Louise Sharpe, Dr Carolyn MacCann (University of Sydney), and Dr Lisa Williams (University of New South Wales)

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