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 Deadline: 5th Annual Weight Stigma Conference
Posted by: Jeffrey Hunger, Ph.D.
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Scholar
School/Organization: University of California, Los Angeles
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 7th, 2017

Just a quick reminder that abstract submissions for the 5th Annual International Weight Stigma Conference in Prague, Czech Republic in June close on Friday 14th April. Submit an abstract here.

Also, early bird registration is available until 15th April, after which the full cost will be in effect. Register here.

And finally, a quick request. If you have ever benefited from a bursary or award to travel to a conference, perhaps you'd consider supporting the Weight Stigma Conference Bursary Fund. We are a not-for-profit event, and try and keep prices as low as possible. Since last year, our aim is to crowdfund a small number of bursaries to help make the conference more accessible to those who would still struggle to attend. Can you spare just the cost of a mocha frappuccino? Or even just share the link to our GoFundMe page? All support is very gratefully received.

Thank you.

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