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 Summer Seminar: PSSC Project
Posted by: Rachel Baker
Title/Position: Grant Business Manager
School/Organization: Florida State University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: November 12th, 2016

The Philosophy and Science of Self-Control Project Summer Seminar

Dr. Alfred Mele of the Florida State University Department of Philosophy is directing The Philosophy and Science of Self-Control Project, a grant project funded by the John Templeton Foundation. The project is hosting a five day summer seminar on the topic of self-control for up to twelve graduate students and recent Ph.D.s (Ph.D. received no earlier than 2012). The aim is to enhance participants’ capacity to do scientific or scientifically informed research on self-control. We expect applications from a variety of fields, including neuroscience, philosophy, and various branches of psychology.

The seminar will be followed by the PSSC capstone conference, which begins on June 9 (afternoon) and ends on June 11 (afternoon). All seminar attendees are strongly encouraged to attend the conference, and we will cover their housing during the seminar and the conference.

For more information and details on the application process, please visit:

Project email:
Project website:

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