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 New PhD Program at IUPUI
Posted by: Leslie Ashburn-Nardo
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 28th, 2016

Colleagues and Friends (apologies for cross-postings),

The Department of Psychology at IUPUI is delighted to introduce its newest graduate program, a
Ph.D. in Applied Social and Organizational Psychology (ASOP). ASOP is now accepting applications for its first cohort of students, who will matriculate in Fall 2017. This doctoral program will train researchers and practitioners to address societal and organizational issues using theories and methods from social and industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology. Through an innovative concentration in Diversity Science, the ASOP program will prepare graduates for the challenges associated with today’s increasingly global and diverse workforce.

IUPUI Psychology is maintaining its existing terminal master’s program in I/O psychology—a program with 45+ years of success (visit for more information). I/O and ASOP students within the same cohort will have common courses, thesis requirements, and program activities. However, I/O and ASOP require different applications and result in different degrees.

For more information about the ASOP doctoral program, please visit:

Thanks, and please share with interested students!
Leslie Ashburn-Nardo

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