Listserv Message Center

Assistant Professor at Utrecht University |
Posted by: | Kees van den Bos |
Title/Position: | Professor of Social Psychology |
School/Organization: | Utrecht University |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | November 18th, 2005 |
The Department of Social and Organizational Psychology at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, has an opening for an Assistant Professor of Social Psychology.
Your research will take place within the program ‘Social-cognitive and interpersonal determinants of behavior’ of the Social Psychology chair of Prof. Kees van den Bos and Prof. Wolfgang Stroebe. For your research you will participate in the relevant national research school: the Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI), the Dutch research school for social psychology and its applications.
We are looking for someone who (1) enthusiastically and competently will teach theoretical and applied group dynamics and (2) who is a driven and competent researcher and hence is capable of supervising basic and applied social psychological research projects in both Bachelor and Master phases of the psychology education at Utrecht University.
Your tasks will be:
o Independently organizing of courses in Social and Organizational Psychology, including teaching at both introductory and advanced levels, with a focus on the social psychology of group processes and the supervision of basic and applied Bachelor and Master research projects.
o Conducting, obtaining, and supervising of research projects pertaining to social psychology and its applications, especially related to the research theme of the social psychology chair.
We ask the following qualifications:
o Being educated as a social or organizational psychologist, completed with a PhD relevant for the theme of the social psychology chair.
o Ample experience with high quality scientific research.
o Scientific creativity and productivity reflected in high-impact international publications.
o Knowledge of social psychological processes of groups.
o Interest in supervision of both basic and applied research in societal and organizational contexts.
o Ample experience in independently teaching of academic courses.
o Interest in teaching of theoretical and applied group dynamics.
o Experience with obtaining external grants would be appreciated.
o Now or soon you should qualify as a full member for the KLI (see www.kurtlewininstitute.nl). A permanent position will only be given when you have qualified as a full member for the KLI. In addition, you will have to obtain the appropriate research and teaching qualifications at Utrecht University laid out in the "functiestructuur FLOW (Utrechtse Regeling Functies Loopbanen en Waardering)."
o Within two years you will have to be able to teach your courses in Dutch.
We offer a temporary position of a maximum of two years which, in case of excellent performance, could be extended into a permanent, tenured position. We also offer good working and research facilities.
This will be a full-time position. Your gross monthly income when full-time employed will be a minimum of € 2950 and a maximum of € 4049 (Scale 11 Dutch Universities) or a minimum of € 3581 and a maximum of € 4605 (Scale 12 Dutch Universities).
For more information about Utrecht University and the working conditions at Utrecht University, see www.uu.nl and www.uu.nl/arbeidsvoorwaarden.
For more information, please contact Kees van den Bos, k.vandenbos@fss.uu.nl, Phone: + 31 30 253 3460 / 1470.
You should apply before December 16, 2005. Your application on paper should be addressed to: "Dienst P&O/FEZ, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, mevrouw W. Steinbusch, Postbus 80.140, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands," or you should apply via e-mail to: p.g.m.steinbusch-duijkers@fss.uu.nl. Please note vacancy number 69528.