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 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Virginia
Posted by: Todd S. Sechser
Title/Position: Associate Professor of Politics
School/Organization: University of Virginia
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 6th, 2016


The University of Virginia's Politics Experimental Laboratory, under the direction of Dr. Todd S. Sechser, seeks applicants for a postdoctoral Research Associate position. The position will involve conducting experimental research on the psychological, behavioral, and social consequences of violence. A Ph.D. in political science, psychology, or economics is required at the time of appointment, along with experience conducting experimental research on political phenomena.

The research associate will serve as a collaborative member of a research team, conducting their own research and participating in the design, implementation, and analysis of laboratory and survey experiments. The successful candidate will be expected to oversee the daily operations of the Laboratory, which may include: developing and implementing studies, conducting data analysis, preparing publications, leading team meetings, communicating with Institutional Review Board officials, managing equipment and personnel, and writing grants. Experience with one or more of the following computer programs and languages is preferred: Inquisit, Z-Tree, Java, Python, Qualtrics, R, and Stata.

The Politics Experimental Laboratory conducts experimental studies of political phenomena, with applications in behavioral economics and psychology. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to benefit from the Laboratory's assets, which include laboratory facilities and research resources. There are no teaching responsibilities associated with this position.

Review of applications will begin April 1, 2016, and continue until the position is filled. The anticipated start date is late spring or summer 2016 (specific date to be negotiated). The appointment will terminate no later than June 14, 2017.

To apply, please submit a Candidate Profile on-line through Jobs@UVA (; search on posting number 0618241. Please attach: a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, a writing sample, and an unofficial copy of your graduate transcript.

In addition, three confidential letters of recommendation should be emailed directly to Todd Sechser at with the subject heading "Post-Doc Reference Letter for [Last name, First name]".

The University of Virginia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

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