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 Undergraduate Summer Internship Opportunity
Posted by: Emily Balcetis
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: New York University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 8th, 2016

REU Site: NYU Center for Behavioral Statistics and the Study of Motivated Perception
Undergraduate Summer Internship Program
June 5 – July 30, 2016

Dr. Emily Balcetis and Dr. Tessa West, social psychologists at New York University, invite interested and enthusiastic undergraduates to apply for the NYU Center for Motivated Perception Summer Internship Program. The program runs JUNE 5 – JULY 30, 2016. Applications due February 29, 2016. Interns will receive free NYU dorm housing, meal plans, and stipends to compensate for lost wages.

This program is fully funded by the National Science Foundation as a Research Experience for Undergraduates program. The internship will take a hands-on approach to training in experimental research design and behavioral statistics. Interns will receive training in eyetracking, psychophysiology, dyadic interactions and video analysis across multiple domains including emotion, health, relationships, jury decisions, and politics. Interns will receive guest lectures from notable professors, attend workshops developing research skills and professional development, learn data analysis, and shadow PhD students. Students will produce novel research, an APA-style manuscript, and will present their work at a conference. The program fosters a strong sense of community within and outside of the science labs. The program promotes interns as leaders and their development of the self as a scientist. Dr. Balcetis and Dr. West are committed to mentoring during and after the internship ends and helping students achieve their academic career goals by supporting participation in professional conferences and their applications to graduate school after the internship ends.

For more information about qualifications, application instructions, and intern responsibilities, visit the following website:

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