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 Call for Papers - APA Convention 2006
Posted by: Toni Schmader
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Arizona
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 19th, 2005

2006 APA CONVENTION in New Orleans, LA
August 10 – 13th

The 114th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association will take place in New Orleans, LA from August 10 – 13th, 2006. Division 8 is inviting proposals for posters and symposia from faculty and graduate students for research in any area related to personality and social psychology.

You can submit your proposals via the web by midnight, December 2, 2005. All proposals must be submitted online at Questions can be directed to Toni Schmader, the Division 8 Program Chair, at

Despite the recent tragedy in New Orleans, we hope to have a successful meeting and we encourage your support and participation. Please note that APA is closely monitoring the recovery efforts in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. If plans are made to relocate the convention to another city, all members of APA will be informed as soon as information is made available.

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