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 Search for Department Head: Purdue CDFS
Posted by: Dan Mroczek
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Purdue University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 6th, 2005

Department of Child Development and Family Studies
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

Position Description
The Department of Child Development and Family Studies (CDFS) at Purdue University is seeking a Head to provide leadership, vision, and coordination for a multi-talented faculty, toward a common goal of excellence in discovery, learning and engagement consistent with the University’s Strategic Plan. Programs in the Department have earned significant national and international recognition and are supported by high levels of external funding. As Indiana’s land-grant university, the department is dedicated to intensive research. CDFS, with an enrollment of over 250 undergraduates and 72 graduate students is one of four departments in the College of Consumer and Family Sciences.

The candidate must have a record that qualifies for appointment as Full Professor, including an earned doctorate, a record of success in securing external funding for research, professional service, evidence of effective teaching, and interest in fund-raising. The candidate should have demonstrated effective leadership, administrative, and interpersonal skills. Individuals with strong qualifications will be considered regardless of area of specialization.

Salary and Appointment Terms
Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications and includes an excellent benefits package and exceptional TIAA/CREF retirement plan. The Department Head is a twelve month appointment at the rank of Full Professor with an administrative salary supplement. Appointment as a Distinguished Professor also may be considered. The appointment will revert to an academic year appointment if and when the candidate returns to regular faculty status. The preferred starting date is July 1, 2006.

Closing Date for Applications
Initial screening will begin December 1 and will continue until a successful candidate is identified. Applicants should send a cover letter, vita, and names of three references who may be contacted to:

Connie Weaver, Chair Search Committee
c/o Rita Hipps, Search Secretary
101 Gates Road
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2020

Contact Information for Connie Weaver:
Phone: 765-494-8231
Fax: 765-494-0674

Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity Equal Access/Affirmative Action Employer

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