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 2nd Ed. of Psychology of Prejudice now available
Posted by: Todd Nelson
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: California State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 29th, 2005

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to tell you that the 2nd edition of my textbook, The Psychology of Prejudice (Allyn & Bacon) has just published!

You can check out the publisher's web page for the textbook here:,1144,0205402259,00.html

The book has been substantially revised, with the following new features:

•over 230 added references

• new section on sexist humor

• added section on the neurobiology of prejudice

• more extensive list of great web links on prejudice

• summary sections at the end of each chapter

• expanded sections on prejudice against homosexuals, overweight persons, and the physicaly-challenged

• expanded section on Implicit Stereotyping and Prejudice

Thank you very much to everyone who adopted the first edition, and for your great support for the book.

Thanks also to everyone who was so generous in sending preprints, reprints, and conference talks as I was writing the 2nd edition.

I hope you enjoy the 2nd edition!

Best wishes,

Todd D. Nelson, Ph.D.
Gemperle Foundation Distinguished Professor
Department of Psychology
California State University
801 W. Monte Vista Ave.
Turlock, California 95382

(209) 667-3442
(209) 664-7067 (fax)

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