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 Special Issue: Soc Psych of 2004 US Pres Election
Posted by: Kevin Lanning
Title/Position: Assoc Prof
School/Organization: Wilkes Honors College of FAU
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 15th, 2005

A special feature of ASAP: Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy has just been released which examines the social psychology of the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election.

The journal includes contributions which range from analyses of the language of presidential speeches to an examination of the dynamics which shape the relationship between president and people, empirical investigations of the roles of morality, religion, and terror in shaping political behavior, and an introductory essay which analyses the role of pride and shame in determining exit poll discrepancies. Taken together, the papers clearly indicate that social psychology played a central role in the election or re-election of George W. Bush. A link to the papers in the special feature may be found at:

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