Listserv Message Center

Submssion of SGER Proposals Via Fastlane by 9/23 |
Posted by: | Kellina Craig-Henderson |
Title/Position: | Program Director |
School/Organization: | NSF |
Sent to listserv of: | SPSP, SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | September 15th, 2005 |
Dear Colleagues,
We have received quite a few competitive ideas for Small Grants for Exploratory Research related to the recent disaster of Hurricane Katrina. Unfortunately, we had not anticipated the wide variation in the number of pages people would send or the level of detail they would include. In the interest of fairness and to make this process as standardized as possible, we are asking that people submit their SGER proposals formally through Fastlane by Sept 23rd.
However, you still must contact us about your ideas PRIOR to submitting your SGER proposal. Some projects do not meet the criterion for a SGER, some are not appropriate for NSF, etc, and we need to address those points as soon as possible. We will also be able to give you some feedback on your ideas to improve your formal proposal.
A few issues to keep in mind:
- Even though these are not standard awards, you still must address the intellectual merit and the broader impacts of your work.
- NSF supports basic research that advances science. It is important that your proposal be highly theoretically driven. You should address why this particular sample or situation makes an ideal testbed for your theory. It is not enough to conduct descriptive research on the experiences of the survivors.
- It is critical that you made a compelling case for the ephemeral nature of the data you plan to collect. Why is the study so time urgent? Reaching the survivors before they disperse any further is not an overly strong argument, though we realize that is an important consideration.
- Budgets should be between $10,000- $100,000. The number of awards will depend on the quality of the proposals and the availability of funds.
Please email Amber Story (astory@nsf.gov) and Kelli Henderson (khenders@nsf.gov) with your inquiries.
The "Dear Colleague" letter for all of the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences is pasted below.
Amber Story and Kelli Henderson
Program Directors, Social Psychology
Dear Colleague:
The Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) at the National Science Foundation (NSF), through its Divisions of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences and Social and Economic Sciences, will be accepting proposals to support time-sensitive research related to the Gulf Coast disaster area and to capture data from the human aspects of hurricane Katrina. The NSF Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) Priority Area as well as the individual disciplinary programs in Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences will be accepting proposals.
These funds will be used to collect time-sensitive data at the levels of individuals and organizations on the immediate aftermath of the hurricane. It is anticipated that most funded proposals will be in the range of $10,000 to $100,000. The number of awards will depend on the quality of proposals received and the availability of funds.
Proposals must conform to the Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER) guidelines specified in the Grant Proposal Guide (<http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/gpg/nsf04_23/2.jsp - IID1 <http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/gpg/nsf04_23/2.jsp>>) and be submitted electronically via the NSF FastLane system. For full consideration, proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m. submitter's local time, September 23, 2005.
Prior to submission, the appropriate NSF/SBE Program Officer must be contacted. For Human and Social Dynamics multidisciplinary proposals, please contact Dennis Wenger (dwenger@nsf.gov <>) or Bob O'Connor (roconnor@nsf.gov <>). HSD SGER proposals also must conform to the following three HSD program-specific requirements: (1) there must be at least three PIs identified, (2) the proposal must involve at least two disciplines, and (3) no individual can participate in more than one HSD SGER proposal.
Please consult the web site (<http://www.nsf.gov/>) to determine the Program Officers to contact for the SBE disciplinary programs.
David Lightfoot
Assistant Director
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 995
Arlington VA 22230