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 Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
Posted by: Patrick C. L. Heaven
Title/Position: Head, Dept of Psychology
School/Organization: University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 8th, 2005


I'd appreciate it if you could circulate the following position description to those in health psychology (or health-related areas) who might be interested:

University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Department of Psychology
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor

The city of Wollongong (about 280,000 inhabitants) is located about 50 miles south of Sydney on Australia's east coast. It is nestled between beautiful beaches and rainforest escarpment and offers a relaxed lifestyle. The Department of Psychology is seeking to appoint a Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor (both roughly equivalent to North American Associate Professor rank) in health or health-related areas of Psychology. We have a growing research reputation, and you will be expected to play a significant role in influencing the development of research in this area. We have an academic staff establishment of 25 with excellent teaching and research facilities. The establishment of our new Medical School and active research groups such as the Centre for Health Behaviour and Communication Research, Illawarra Institute for Mental Health, and the Brain & Behaviour Research Institute, offer exciting opportunities for research collaboration.

It is expected that you will have a PhD in psychology, an excellent track record in attracting external national competitive research funding (commensurate with the level of appointment), and a strong record of research publication. You will also have demonstrated leadership and communication skills as well as a proven ability to teach and supervise postgraduate students. You must be eligible for membership of the Australian Psychological Society.

Please address the selection criteria specified in the position description, which is available from our website. Please also refer to the Position Classification Standard. For further information about this role please contact Associate Professor Patrick Heaven, Head of Dept on +61-2-4221 3742 or email Applications close 17 October, 2005 (Quote ref No. 21311).

Appointment is based on merit. As women are under-represented in academic positions, suitably qualified women are encouraged to apply.

How to apply: Please go to our website at to submit your application online and for more information about the position and UOW.

Dr Patrick Heaven
Department of Psychology
University of Wollongong
Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia

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