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 IMPT: Disaster Research
Posted by: Laurie Slone, Ph.D.
Title/Position: Research Associate
School/Organization: Dartmouth College, National Center for PTSD
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 8th, 2005

If you are thinking of conducting disaster research in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, please read this message.

Three NIMH-funded research education projects are working together to advance the state of the art in disaster research.

One is REDMH: Research Education Disaster in Mental Health:

This project deals with training doctoral-level researchers with long-term interests in research on the psychosocial consequences of disasters. Each "mentee" is paired with a mentor from a nationwide faculty and provided with a small grant to support educational expenses. The website also has up-to-date reviews of the literature on the effects of disasters and links to many other resources. The project is a collaboration between researchers at Dartmouth College and the National Center for PTSD.

The second project is DREM: Disaster Research Education and Mentoring Center:

This project deals with research that is initiated rapidly. They provide practical education, mentoring and technical assistance to researchers and governmental and non-governmental agencies interested in research following disasters and terrorism. Their website has much information about writing applications for funding for disaster research. This project is a collaboration between researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina, the University of Michigan, and New York Academy of Medicine.

The third project is DRT: Disaster Research Training Grant:

This project aims to enhance the nation's capacity to enhance research related to children and families. This project does not offer direct assistance to researchers but has a wealth of information about child trauma research on its website. This project is housed at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in collaboration with the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.

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