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 Small Grants for Exploratory Research
Posted by: Amber Story
Title/Position: Program Director, Social Psychology
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 7th, 2005

Dear Colleagues,

Kelli Henderson (new fellow program director of NSF's Social Psychology program) and I would like to invite ideas for SGER (Small Grant for Exploratory Research) proposals related to Hurricane Katrina that would be appropriate for funding from the Social Psychology program. This is in addition to and independent of the announcement that I posted yesterday for SGER proposals to the Human and Social Dynamics program (which is more interdisciplinary and encompassing)

We are making limited funds available from the social psychology program to support research that is time urgent and that needs to move quickly to capture the current data. This is research that would simultaneously advance the field of social psychology.

Before you submit your SGER proposal, please email both Kelli Henderson ( and Amber Story ( with a brief description of your ideas. Be sure to make a compelling case for the intellectual merit, broader impacts, and time urgency of your research.

Again, please make sure that you address your emails to BOTH Kelli Henderson and Amber Story. We hope to make decisions by the end of the month.

Amber Story (
Kelli Henderson (
Program Directors,
Social Psychology Program
National Science Foundation

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