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 Faculty Position
Posted by: Elizabeth Rutherford
Title/Position: Assistant to the Chair
School/Organization: University of Washington, Dept of Psychology
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 6th, 2005

The Department of Psychology expects to fill one tenure-track assistant professor position in the area of SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. Area of research specialization is open. We are particularly interested in an individual who can foster intellectual synergy with other areas of psychology and related fields. Applicants are expected to have demonstrated promise and excellence in research publication and will be expected to provide high quality teaching and mentoring at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In exceptional circumstances, appointment at the Associate Professor or Professor level may be considered for candidates who offer extraordinary opportunities to further the University's commitments to mentoring underrepresented students in the sciences.

To apply, send a detailed statement of research and teaching interests, a curriculum vitae, not more than three reprints or preprints, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and at least three letters of recommendation to: Social Psychology Search Committee, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Box 351525, Seattle, WA 98195-1525. We encourage submission of application materials via email at, but all materials must also be received in hardcopy. Application review begins September 20, 2005, and continues until the position is filled. Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Ph.D. required by date of appointment. The University of Washington is building a culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications from female and minority candidates. The University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

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