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 2006 ARP Personality Conference in Palm Springs
Posted by: Dan Mroczek
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Purdue University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: September 6th, 2005

Friends and Members of the ARP:

We are pleased to announce the schedule of the 2006 meeting of the Association for Research in Personality (ARP).

The ARP conference will be held at the Palm Springs Hilton on Jan. 25 and 26, 2006, immediately preceding the SPSP conference. The opening session on the evening of Jan. 25 will feature Professor Peter Borkenau of Halle University. The full schedule can be viewed on the ARP website at:

As usual, there will be a poster session after the opening speaker. Poster proposals are due by Oct. 31, and should be submitted at:

I encourage you to attend, and to register at your earliest convenience. This will help us with the planning. The link for the mail-in and on-lineconference payments is:

See you all in Palm Springs,

Dan Mroczek
Purdue University
ARP 2006 Organizer

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