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 Social Psychology Positions at Syracuse University
Posted by: Joshua Smyth
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Syracuse University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 5th, 2005

The Psychology Department of Syracuse University invites applications for up to two appointments in the area of Social Psychology. Applicants should indicate if they wish to be considered for a tenure-track position at the assistant professor level, or for a tenure-track or tenured position at the associate professor level. Responsibilities of the positions include (1) establishing or continuing to build a program of research around the application of social psychological theory and methods to the study of the causes, consequences, or remediation of social problems, including (but not limited to) themes such as violence and crimes, race and ethnicity, education and schools, and poverty; and (2) research supervision and teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level (e.g., courses in areas cognate to social psychology). Additionally, associate professor applicants should have established visibility and excellence as a scholar in social psychology and demonstrated leadership skills or potential.

Candidates with interest and expertise in teaching a graduate level course in statistics, and with substantive expertise that complement areas of strength in the department (cognitive aging, health, and child/school), are highly desirable. Collaborative research is a signature of the department and institution. Candidates who are interested in cross-area as well as interdisciplinary teaching and research are encouraged to apply. Successful candidates will evidence a commitment to involving students in an active research program, high quality scholarship and the potential for extramural funding.

Additional information about the department may be found at <>. Submit a letter of application (including statements of teaching and research interests), a curriculum vita, three letters of recommendation, and evidence of teaching effectiveness to either the Chair of Social Search Committee or Chair of Cognitive Search Committee; 430 Huntington Hall, Department of Psychology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-2340. Applications received by November 1 will receive full consideration, with subsequent applications considered until the position is filled. Syracuse University is an equal opportunity, affirmative-action employer. The Psychology Department is committed to enhancing the diversity of its faculty and especially encourages applications from women, members of minority groups, and individuals with disabilities.

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