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 Call for Unpublished Results on Intergroup Trust
Posted by: Mirona Gheorghiu
Title/Position: Lecturer
School/Organization: Queen's University Belfast
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 7th, 2015

Dear Colleague,

Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast are currently conducting a meta-analysis on intergroup trust (or perceptions of outgroup trustworthiness).

Specifically, we are looking for unpublished surveys and experimental studies (excluding studies using a social dilemma paradigm) that:

(1) have measured inter-group trust or outgroup trustworthiness
(2) OR have manipulated inter-group trust or outgroup trustworthiness
(3) AND have measured or manipulated AT LEAST ONE of the following variables: social identity, prejudice, contact, collective action or action tendencies

If you have such results and would be willing to share them with us, we ask that you email us with the following information:

(1) Sample details:
(a) sample size, gender, age, ethnicity
(b) sample type: students vs. “non-students” – i.e., samples that were not recruited through universities or are entirely based on students (in this case, please specify in more detail who the participants are – e.g., adults from a specific community, general population, etc),
(c) if SUBSAMPLES were used (e.g., Catholic vs. Protestant participants in Northern Ireland), please provide sample details as in (a) and (b).

(2) How the data were collected

(3) Scales used to measure inter-group trust/outgroup trustworthiness.
(a) If published scales were used, please provide reference; if not published, please provide exact wording of the scale items;
(b) Scale reliability (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha).
(c) IF SUBSAMPLES were used, please provide internal reliabilities for each subsample if available.

(4) Manipulations of inter-group trust/outgroup trustworthiness. If published, please provide reference; if not published, please provide details of the manipulation if possible.

(5) For all the other variables (i.e., social identity, prejudice, contact, collective action or collective action tendencies), please provide details of the scales and/or manipulations used as in points (3) and (4) above.

(6) Statistics: Means & SDs, correlation coefficients, proportions/frequencies, t-test or F-values, where applicable. IF SUBSAMPLES were used, please provide the above statistics for each subsample separately AND for the overall sample.

If you are happy to pass this information on to us, please contact Thia Sagherian-Dickey at

Best regards,

Thia Sagherian-Dickey
Dr. Mirona Gheorghiu

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