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 EBS Special Issue
Posted by: Sally Olderbak
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
School/Organization: Ulm University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 25th, 2015

Call for Proposals
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences Special Issue

The APA journal Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences is seeking submissions for a special issue on long-term committed romantic relationships. Despite their importance and prevalence in human life, long-term committed romantic relationships are, unfortunately, an understudied research topic in the field of evolutionary psychology. The goal of this special issue is to place an emphasis on this particular type of relationship and to highlight factors that contribute to their development and maintenance. Because long-term committed romantic relationships are frequently studied in other fields (e.g., social and clinical psychology, family studies, and communication), we invite researchers from both evolutionary and traditionally non-evolutionary perspectives to submit manuscripts on the following topics:

• Partner choice
• Individual differences
• Attachment theory
• Emotional intelligence
• Sexuality/sociosexuality
• Communication dynamics
• Resource sharing
• Stress and emotion regulation
• Infidelity and jealousy
• Aggression and violence
• Associations with mental health (predictors and outcomes)

The goal of this special issue is to pair manuscripts on the same topic but from different perspectives (evolutionary and non-evolutionary).

Please send a one-page abstract of your proposed contribution to Sally Olderbak ( or Ashley Randall ( by July 1, 2015 (empirical papers are preferred). In your abstract, please include the following: (1) whether the manuscript will take an evolutionary or non-evolutionary perspective; and (2) which of the above topics will be addressed. Abstracts will be evaluated for their particular contribution to that topic. After initial review of the proposals, the selected authors will be contacted by August 1, 2015 in order to arrange their final contributions. Initial drafts are due December 1, which will be peer-reviewed. Final drafts should be 6,000 words or less, including tables, figures, and references. Estimated publication date is October 2016.

Please let your colleagues and students know about this special issue, and feel free to post on relevant listservs.

Best Regards,
Sally Olderbak, Ulm University
Ashley K. Randall, Arizona State University
Special Issue Guest Editors

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