Listserv Message Center

IACM Awards: Call for Nominations |
Posted by: | Taya Cohen |
Title/Position: | Assistant Professor of Org. Behavior & Theory |
School/Organization: | Carnegie Mellon University |
Sent to listserv of: | SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | November 19th, 2014 |
International Association for Conflict Management (IACM)
Outstanding Article or Book Chapter Published in 2013 & Outstanding Dissertation Completed in 2013-2014
IACM Outstanding Article or Book Chapter Published in 2013
At its annual conference, the International Association for Conflict Management honors the authors of a published article or book chapter that advances conflict management theory and practice, and which has made a significant and lasting contribution to the field over the previous two years. The article or book chapter is chosen by a committee chaired by an elected Representative-at-Large.
On behalf of IACM, Taya Cohen invites scholars to nominate papers for the 2015 IACM best published paper award. The article or book chapter must have been published in the 2013 calendar year and may have an empirical, theoretical, or practical focus. To nominate a paper for this award, please email a full-text copy of the paper to Taya Cohen at tcohen@cmu.edu with “IACM outstanding paper award” in the subject line.
Congratulations to Nir Halevy, Eileen Chou, and Keith Murnighan on receiving this year’s award for their 2012 paper in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, titled Mind games: The mental representation of conflict (http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0025389).
IACM Outstanding Dissertation Completed in 2013-2014
Every second year, the International Association for Conflict Management honors researchers who have produced outstanding doctoral dissertations. The outstanding dissertation award is chosen by a committee chaired by an elected Representative-at-Large.
On behalf of IACM, Jennifer Parlamis invites recent graduates of doctoral programs to apply for the Outstanding Dissertation Award. The IACM Outstanding Dissertation Award is given to the applicant whose dissertation makes an excellent contribution to the field of conflict management (generally defined). To be eligible, the dissertation must be completed between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014. To apply for the Dissertation Award (or to nominate a deserving recent graduate), please submit a 10-page, double-spaced abstract of the dissertation (excluding tables, figures, and references) to Jennifer Parlamis at parlamis@usfca.edu with “IACM outstanding dissertation award” in the subject line. Please include the dissertation defense date on the title page.
Congratulations to Alison Wood Brooks, who received the award in 2013 for her dissertation titled Worry at work: How state anxiety influences negotiations, advice, reappraisal, and performance, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, January 1, 2013: http://repository.upenn.edu/dissertations/AAI3565029/