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 Reminder: APA 2015 Submission Due December 1st
Posted by: Elizabeth Page-Gould
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Toronto
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: November 3rd, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

This is a friendly reminder that submissions for the 2015 American Psychological Association (APA) Convention in Toronto, Canada (August 6 - 9) are due on December 1st. Each year, the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), in its role as Division 9 of the APA, sponsors various programs and sessions of interest to our members at the APA Annual Convention. In 2015, SPSSI's programming will center around the causes and consequences of social inequalities.

2015 SPSSI Convention Theme: Social Inequalities: Causes and Consequences

Social inequalities based on race, gender, class, sexual identity, age, ability, religion, or nationality have a wide influence on groups and individuals. These inequalities have real world consequences by reducing access to education, career paths, and affordable quality health care. To deepen our understanding of how inequalities are created, persist over time, and influence society, the SPSSI theme at the 2015 APA Annual Convention in Toronto, Canada will be: Social Inequalities: Causes and Consequences. Consistent with this theme, invited speakers, special symposia, and a data blitz session will focus on basic and applied research on the development, maintenance, and consequences of social inequalities, with a special emphasis on international aspects, given the location of the conference outside of the U.S. Sessions will also focus on interventions and public policies that have the potential to reduce inequalities..

Call for Proposals

We are accepting proposals for symposia, single-speaker papers, and posters in ALL areas of psychology relevant to social issues. However, we extend a special call for proposals that are consistent with our conference theme. Early career faculty and graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals of their work. Note that high-quality individual paper or poster submissions related to the conference theme may be assigned to a data blitz session (5 minute talk) – you will be notified of the format of your presentation upon acceptance. We hope to have an excellent program with interdivisional appeal and strong representation from our division.

Submissions should be submitted online by midnight EST on Monday, December 1, 2014 via the APA website: . It is not necessary to be a member of SPSSI to submit a proposal to Division 9. APA non-members may submit proposals if an APA-member is a co-author or sponsors the proposal. PhD or PsyD members of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) are also eligible to submit proposals without an APA sponsor (see the “Rules for Participation” section of the APA Call for Convention Proposals for full rules of submission). Full details about the procedures for submitting proposals can be found at APA’s website.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or ideas about proposals and programming.

Your APA Div. 9 2015 Co-Chairs,

Anne Koenig (University of San Diego)

Elizabeth Page-Gould (University of Toronto)

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