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 Non-Academic Job Opportunity
Posted by: Kelly Trindel
Title/Position: Social Science Research Analyst
School/Organization: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 2nd, 2014

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is interested in hiring a Social Science Research Analyst in one of the following cities: Miami, FL; Indianapolis, IN; Saint Louis, MO; Memphis, TN. This position is at the GS-13 level with GS-14 promotion potential.

Your application will be evaluated on the following Core Competencies:

(1) Knowledge of gathering and analyzing quantitative information as well as setting standards for data quality suitable for statistical analyses such as those performed for to identify employment disparities based on prohibited bases such as race, gender or age.

(2) Skill in using statistics common in the social sciences as well as skill in using standard statistical software (such SAS or Stata) to construct, process and analyze large complex automated data bases. This includes the ability to identify emerging statistical techniques and communicate them to research staff.

(3) Knowledge of social science theories and techniques, particularly those relating to employment discrimination and preparing research reports on related subjects.

(4) Skill in reviewing, evaluating, and critiquing the statistical and analytical methodologies utilized by defense experts and academics in the context of research studies or employment discrimination investigation or in a similar context or in research efforts.

(5) Skill in communicating, defending and collaborating on results and analyses with clients such as investigators and supporting attorneys when developing statistical evidence of discrimination.

Please follow this link for more information and to apply. **Please note that this ad expires on July 7th.**

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