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 2014 APA Graduate Student Awards Program
Posted by: Nicolle Singer
Title/Position: Science Programs Associate
School/Organization: American Psychological Association
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 7th, 2014

Dear Listserv Subscribers,

As you may know, the APA Science Directorate supports science-oriented psychology graduate students each year through its Student Awards Program. Currently, the Directorate is advertising for two awards – the APA Science Student Council Early Graduate Student Researcher Award, and the APA Dissertation Research Awards. For both awards, the deadline is September 15, 2014, and applications are welcome from graduate students in any research specialty area.

Through mailings and publicity we strive to reach students with information about our awards program each year. Your help in distributing this information to eligible students via the listserv is invaluable. If you have any questions about the awards program, feel free to contact me via email ( or telephone (202-336-5954).

**APA Dissertation Research Awards**

Sponsored by the APA Science Directorate, the Dissertation Research Award assists science-oriented doctoral students of psychology with research costs. In 2014, the Science Directorate will grant up to 30 awards of $1,000 each, as well as several awards of up to $5,000 each, to students whose dissertation research reflects excellence in scientific psychology.

The application deadline is September 15, 2014. For more details about this award, including eligibility requirements and application materials, visit:

**Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards**

The Early Graduate Student Research Awards, administered by the APA Science Student Council, recognize students who demonstrate outstanding research abilities early in their graduate training (i.e., within the first two years of doctoral study). Both overall research experience and specific completed research projects are considered in selecting awardees. Up to three awards are given each year, drawn from basic science, applied science, and interdisciplinary science areas. Each Early Graduate Student Researcher Award is in the amount of $1,000.

The application deadline is September 15, 2014. For more details about the awards, including eligibility requirements and application materials, visit:


Nicolle Singer | Science Programs Associate
Outreach & Development, Science Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202-336-5954 | Fax: 202-336-5953
email: |

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