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 Visiting Position in Social/Developmental Psychology
Posted by: Kristin Bonnie
Title/Position: Assistant Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: Beloit College
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 28th, 2014

Please share with those who might be interested. Thanks!

Beloit College invites applications for a one-year (with possible one-year renewal) faculty leave replacement in Cultural and Developmental Psychology beginning August 15, 2014. The successful candidate will hold a Ph.D. in developmental or social psychology (ABD acceptable) and teach 4 courses including Life-span Developmental Psychology, and at least 2 of the following: Introduction to Psychology, Cultural Psychology, Ethnic Minority Psychology, Health Psychology, or Research Methods and Statistics.

Located in a diverse Wisconsin community close to Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago, Beloit College is a highly selective liberal arts college of approximately 1250 students from 48 states and 40 countries. The college emphasizes excellence in teaching, learning beyond the traditional classroom, international perspectives, and collaborative research among students and faculty. Recognized as one of the Colleges that Change Lives, Beloit is committed to the educational benefits of diversity in our learning community and encourages all interested individuals meeting the criteria of the described position to apply.

For full consideration, applicants should send a single PDF or Word document that includes a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, contact information for 3 references, and a statement of teaching philosophy and/or relevant syllabi to

Application deadline: April 11, 2014.

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