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NYU Summer Research Internship
Posted by:
Emily Balcetis
Assistant Professor
New York University
Sent to listserv of:
Date posted:
February 27th, 2014
The Social Perception Action and Motivation (SPAM) Lab at New York University run by Dr. Emily Balcetis is seeking undergraduate applicants for the 2014 summer research program. The program provides a rich and comprehensive training opportunity for a select group of interested and enthusiastic undergraduate volunteer research assistants. The program will take a hands-on approach to research and statistics, with a focus on projects related to motivation and social cognition.
Program Director: Dr. Emily Balcetis
Program dates: June 9 - July 25
Location: New York University in Manhattan
Eligibility: While this opportunity is available to any student who wishes to be considered, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from:
-Sophomores and Juniors who are interested in receiving training in research methods
-Women interested in receiving additional training in math and statistics
-Men interested in studying psychological processes
-Under-represented racial and ethnic minorities
-Students from smaller colleges, liberal arts institutions, and community colleges
For more information and application materials, visit: