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 IACM Call for Submissions
Posted by: Wolfgang Steinel
Title/Position: Dr.
School/Organization: Leiden University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: February 3rd, 2014

Dear SPN members,

In July 2014, there will be a conference that might be interesting to you. The conference of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), which will be held from 4-7 July in Noordwijkerhout near Leiden, The Netherlands, covers aspects of conflict management such as negotiation, justice, mediation, and decision making. Furthermore, the IACM conference can easily be combined with the General Meeting of the European Association for Experimental Psychology, EASP, as there is no time overlap between the conferences, and the conference venues are just a short distance away from each other.

The submission deadline is February 7. More information and the call for submissions can be found on the IACM website:

Our apologies for cross-posting if you have received this message from different sources.

Kind regards,
Fieke Harinck and Wolfgang Steinel , Leiden University
(The IACM Local Arrangement Team on behalf of IACM)

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